出羽桜とろけるやまがたもも @720ml 創業於1892年,位於山形縣天童市約有6萬居民的小鎮。被高山包圍的盆地地形,一到夏天就持續著35度以上高溫的日子,而冬天更會積有1 m以上的厚雪。這樣的風土氣候,成了稻米、水果等的豐沃之地。這裡出產的水蜜桃濃蜜香甜,用上5.5個水蜜桃,再混合出羽櫻的吟釀清酒,使得香氣和甜味更加緊緻,營造出絕妙的平衡。
Dewazakura Sake Brewery was founded in 1892 in Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture, a small town of 60,000 residents. Situated in the Yamagata Basin and surrounded by high mountains, Tendo City is hot in summer, often exceeding 35 degrees Celsius, and in the winter can receive considerable snowfall, often exceeding one meter in depth. These natural features, including the climate, have made the region a major production center of rice, fruits and other products. Using 5.5 pieces great Yamagata Peach and Dewazakura Ginjo sake, we have been making this prefect Yamagata Peach Liqueur by our hand with excellent balance & delicious flavors.
Ingredient: 5.5 Yamagata Peach & Ginjo
Official: https://www.dewazakura.co.jp/item/cat11/toromomo.html
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