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絕對伏特加 韓國2016禮品套裝限量版
價錢: HK$ 980.00
特價: HK$ 780.00
酒莊 絕對伏特加 韓國2016禮品套裝限量版
年份 2016 Edition
產區 瑞典
類型 烈酒&利口酒
甜度 乾身不甜
酒身 中身

Absolut Korea, a coffee, almond and chili flavored limited edition capturing the essence of Korean traditions with a modern twist.

Created in collaboration with contemporary Korean artist, Heo Wook, the bottle design reflects a unique vision of Korea, transforming elements including traditional architecture, the Hangul alphabet and obang colours into a contemporary artistic presentation. Absolut Korea reflects the vibrant and dynamic culture of Korea, where old meets new, taking inspiration from the structural features of traditional architecture. Heo Wook transformed the shapes into Korean letters from the Hangul alphabet, with each piece fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Each consonant and vowel is intricately combined to form the word Absolut.

The design uses the five symbolic Korean ‘obang’ colors blue, red, yellow, white and black. Yellow, the Korean symbol for ‘center‘, ‘bright’ and ‘hope’, stands out prominantly, symbolizing the dynamic and bright future of Korea.

Limited 186,000 bottles

評分 ---
酒精度 40%
容量 750毫升
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