Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor on the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醉醺的酒類。
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葡萄酒目錄 > 
價錢: HK$ 64.00
特價: HK$ 58.00
數量  缺貨中
酒莊 杜巴克娜慕爾白啤
年份 NV
產區 比利時
類型 啤酒
甜度 乾身不甜
酒身 厚身
酒評 世界啤酒大賽 最佳歐洲比利時型麥啤
WBA Europe\'s Best Wheat Beer Belgian Style Witbier
"Cloudy, smooth and mellow, the Blanche de Namur is a very high-quality wheatbeer. From the first sip, you will feel all its roundness and its delicacy that make it an outstanding wheatbeer.
Its qualities and the brewery’s know-how earned it the honour of being named the best wheatbeer in the world (2009)."
Appearance : Blond, cloudy and milky colour (colloidal turbidity when cold): the cloudiness is created when the beer is cold but can disappear when the beer warms up or is kept in the cold for too long a time.
Aroma : Fine fruity, revealing the spices used: coriander and bitter orange.
Taste : llow beer, thirst-quenching but smooth, slightly acid flavour, powdery consistency on the tongue, not bitter.
Best when drunk between 2° and 4°C.
Serving suggestions : Game, red meats, highly-seasoned white meats

Style: Wheat Beer - Witbier
評分 BA86
酒精度 4.5%
容量 330毫升
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