Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor on the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醉醺的酒類。
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葡萄酒目錄 > 
韓國裵商冕酒家 烏梅樂 梅子蒸餾酒
價錢: HK$ 1,080.00
特價: HK$ 888.00
酒莊 韓國裵商冕酒家 烏梅樂 梅子蒸餾酒
年份 2023-Ed
產區 韓國
類型 烈酒&利口酒
甜度 乾身不甜
酒身 厚身
A premium Korean traditional distilled liquor. In order to preserve the best quality and the taste, we use Eau-de-vie and plum to brew and bottle it in eastern vessel made from burnt ocher. Breaking the Eastern vessel bears the meaning of congratulating the new beginnig and growth. Create more value and pleasure with Omearaq! Great for the special occasions. Pug-Toki(Eastern vessel) used in Omearaq is specially and scientifically manufactured aging storage ceramic pottery to keep maintaining the best quality and taste of the preciously brewed alcohol.

2008 San Francisco World Spirits Competition Award Winner

評分 ---
酒精度 40%
容量 500毫升
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